A diagram of an animal and human cell
The following is a glossary of animal cell terms:
Cell membrane. Vacuole. Nucleus. Nucleolus. Mitochondrion. Cytoplasm
membrane and cell wall)
rigid cell wall, an animal cell membrane
animal cell membrane diagram (graphic)

Although animal cells lack cell walls,
animal cell membrane diagram (graphic)
Eukaryotic: more complex, have membrane bound
Briefly describe the function of the cell parts. 1. Cell membrane

Purpose: The purpose of this projectis to make a 3D model of a cell
Cells and Organelles
COMPONENTS OF AN ANIMAL CELL: CELL MEMBRANE - this thin surrounding layer is
mass of fibers and granules in a cell membrane nuclear envelope - double
Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells
Plasma Membrane (or Cell
A) Plant cells have a cell wall around their plasma (cell) membrane animal
eukaryote: animal cell. See Actual Size See Full Size
Cytosol, Nuclear membrane, Ribosomes, Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum,
Every plant and animal cell