I've not seen the book yet, so I really can't say much about what's inside Rob Bell's new book entitled Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever lived (Harper One, 2011)
. But, apparently, according to all the buzz, especially on Twitter (where he was trending yesterday), the Grand Rapids-area pastor has become a heretic. Yes, because he believes that God's love wins, then he must be a universalist who doesn't believe in hell. As I've said, I've not read the book, but likely the critics haven't either. All we do know is that there is a video and the video, according to the critics, carries a dangerous message.
Now, being that I'm post-evangelical and don't believe in hell either, so it should come as no surprise that I enjoyed the video and found its message compelling. In fact, I find it to be a very powerful statement about the good news we have come to know in and through the person of Jesus. He makes the statement that "the good news is that love wins." Why should that be controversial?
So, for now, until I have a chance to read the book, I'll just post the video, let you watch it, and then let you comment.
LOVE WINS. from Rob Bell on Vimeo.