Devastating floods swept through Tewkesbury borough on 20th July 2007.
(July 22 2007: The town of Tewkesbury
Tewkesbury floods July 2007
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Tewkesbury floods. Residents in Tewkesbury are rescued by emergency services
Newtown area of Tewkesbury along the A38 Ashchurch Road after floods July
[Image: The Tewkesbury flood of 2007, as seen from the air; photo by Daniel
Photo: Tewkesbury Floods, 2007. Emergency Flood Evacuation Advice
95 Tewkesbury UK flooding flash floods
The town of Tewkesbury on July 22, and yesterday. 12:01AM BST 04 Aug 2007
coalition on the amount of money the Treasury made from the 2007 floods,
Floods: A man is rescued in Tewkesbury, central England (Reuters: Darren
Damage from the Tewkesbury Floods of 2007, where the water carried away
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'Freak event': Floods lap at the doors of a church and houses in Tewkesbury,
Here in England, the media is awash with reports on the recent flooding,
Photographs of the end of July 2007 flooding taken during a specially
Flooding in Tewkesbury earlier this year demonstrated the "vulnerability" of
The extent of the devastating floods of 2007 are a clear reminder that we